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Climate Change and the Future of Europe : Views from the Capitals

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The book series “The Future of Europe: views from the Capitals” is one of TEPSA’s flagship activities. These collections of short chapters, published every year, analyse topical European issues from the perspective of each EU Member State and neighbouring countries, and help understand the future of the European project. The series is edited by Michael Kaeding, Johannes Pollak and Paul Schmidt, and showcases chapters written by researchers from the TEPSA network and beyond.

While the ambitious objectives outlined in the EU’s Green Deal aim at making Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, national implementation greatly varies depending on local geographies, history, culture, economics, and politics. This book analyses Member States’ and EU neighbours’ national efforts to combat climate change. It subsequently draws on these factors to highlight local challenges, tensions, and opportunities on the road towards climate neutrality. In the context of inter-country dependencies following Russia’s war against Ukraine, it addresses strategic questions regarding EU integration, the transformation of our economies, the reduction of energy dependencies, and public perception of the above. The book also makes concrete recommendations, in various policy areas, on how individual countries and the EU as a whole should deal with the climate crisis.

Climate Change and the Future of Europe: views from the Capitals
Editors: Kaeding, Michael, Pollak, Johannes, Schmidt, Paul (Eds.)
Publisher: Springer


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